Learning Environment

The University of Hong Kong offers a learning environment for students like no other

MSc Programme Office

The Intranet

The Libraries

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Parking on Campus

Parking on Campus

Learning Commons

Learning Commons

Sports Facilities

Sports Facilities

Health Services

Health Services


MSc Programme Office

MSc Programme Office is a people-friendly organization.  We respect and value our students and recognize they are busy professionals.  The Programme Office staff places major emphasis on customer service, responding quickly and precisely to requests by phone or email, ensuring that students' interaction with the Programme is as efficient as possible.  


The Intranet

The Intranet is developed by the MSc Programme Office to serve a closed community of local and international faculty, their teaching assistants, students, the Programme Management Team, and the MSc Programme Office staff of the Master of Science programme in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing at The University of Hong Kong.

These are its features

  1. It draws on a backend database that stores management information such as admission and enrolment, fees, assessment results, students and faculty members profiles, evaluation data, statistics, timetables.
  2. It allows personalization and personal spaces for different classes of users.
  3. It allows access to different types of information based on user privileges and rights.
  4. Graduates can continue to access the Intranet in their year of graduation until late December, after that they can join the Alumni Association and continue to keep in touch through the Alumni intranet.

Currently, the system is running on Microsoft Windows platform.  Its front end is the Internet Information Server and the backend database is Microsoft SQL server.


The Libraries

All students have free access to the excellent University of Hong Kong Libraries which consist of the Main Library and six branch libraries.


Your benefits:

  • You have the privileges of borrowing 180 items at a time.

  • You can access the library database remotely from home through the University's computing network.

  • You can have free access to the Internet via state of the art in the Libraries.

  • You can attend the library courses conducted by the library at no cost to you.

  • You can borrow items from libraries throughout the world through the Inter-library Loan system.


Information Technology Services (ITS)

Information Technology Services (ITS) provides comprehensive information technology services with a state-of-the-art networking environment to support teaching, learning, research and administration.  Its facilities include an advanced campus network, powerful central servers, high-performance computer (HPC) clusters, cloud computing and modern learning environment, and its services include unified communication, portal services, learning management system "Moodle" and web-based administrative applications.

Please visit the website for details: http://www.its.hku.hk/ 


Parking on Campus

Hourly charged car parking spaces on campus are available to all students.  

Please visit the website for details: https://www.estates.hku.hk/our-services/facility-management/parking/parking-space-location-and-parking-fee 


Learning Commons

The Learning Commons is a campus hub equipped with modern learning facilities that encourages and facilitates individual and group study.

Chi Wah Learning Commons


The Chi Wah Learning Commons is located at the podium levels of the University’s Centennial Campus offering a comfortable learning environment with the following facilities:
- Study rooms or group work rooms equipped with audio-visual (AV) facilities
- Quiet study areas
- Desktop all-in-one PCs and Macintosh in open area
- Printing and copying machines
- Experimental 3D printing service
- Digital Literacy Skills Laboratory
- A Student Advisory Services Zone (on second floor of Learning Commons where students may seek advice from a number of departments, namely the Academic Advising Office (AAO), Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES), Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) and the University Libraries).

Study rooms or group work rooms booking: http://booking.its.hku.hk/lebook


Sports Facilities

The Centre for Sports and Exercise administers all the sports facilities of the University.  Our students can enjoy the sports facilities by using their student card.  Whether you want to exercise to keep fit, play team sports, swim, or enjoy a sun bath, etc., you can have it all there. 

Please visit the website for details: https://cse.hku.hk/


Health Services

The University Health Service (UHS) provides a comprehensive primary health care service, including medical consultation, physiotherapy, dental services and health education.  Our students can enjoy the health care facilities by using their student card. 

Please visit the website for details: http://www.uhs.hku.hk/index.php