Class Schedule

Class schedule and venue

The sample timetable of all courses in a semester is shown below for reference. Please note that the session dates of all courses are different from year to year.

Class commences in September each year and runs throughout the whole year with three semesters*, i.e. September-December, January-April & May-August.  

Some courses are taught intensively by overseas instructors over a two to three weeks period.  Other courses taught by local instructors who usually have the teaching spread over the semester with one or two sessions each week.  The contact hours for all courses are around 30 each.

Classes are held on weekday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and sometimes there are also whole-day or half-day classes on Saturdays and Sundays.  Teaching takes place mostly in the University's Main campus.

* We use the word "semester" instead of "trimester" although there are three sessions in an academic year.

Time commitment

The curriculum comprises 72 credits.  Each credit expects study load of 20-30 hours.

Courses (normally 6 credits each)

Each course consists of 30 contact hours.  Some may have more if there are additional lab-based activities and tutorials.  You may be prepared to spend at least another 90 hours for class preparation, review and assignments for fruitful learning.

Case Study Projects (12 credits)

Students are required to spend around 360 learning and working hours on the Case Study Project.  The learning and working hours include the time for background reading and research, preparation for proposals, project plan, meetings, implementation, preparation for presentation, report writing, etc.  There are some supporting workshops helping the students to complete their projects and students have to attend.

Dissertations (24 credits)

The learning and working hours are around 720.  The learning and working hours include the time for background reading and research, preparation for proposals, project plan, meetings, implementation, preparation for presentation, report writing, etc.  There are some supporting workshops helping the students to complete their projects and students have to attend.

Sample Study Calendar

The sample calendars shown below will give you a rough idea on the study schedule.  The actual study schedule of each candidate varies due to different combinations of course selection and study progress.  In addition to attending lectures, students should be prepared to spend extra hours for self-study, revision, working on assignments and projects.

Please note that the offering semester and session dates of all courses are different from year to year.  The syllabus are also subject to change.

Sample study calendar for Part-time student
Year 1
Year 2


Sample study calendar for Full-time student
Year 1
# Fundamental Discipline Courses.